Dermatology Games

Management of PVL Staphylococcus aureus Furuncles

Identifying and Understanding PVL Staphylococcus aureus Infections

  1. Suspect PVL Infections:
    • Consider PVL-positive S. aureus (MSSA/MRSA) in patients with multiple or recurrent boils/abscesses.
    • Also suspect PVL if multiple household members are affected either consecutively or simultaneously.
  2. Risk Factors:
    • Overcrowding and close contact
    • Poor hygiene and skin breaks
  3. High-Risk Groups:
    • Healthcare workers, care home staff, and nursery workers
    • Military personnel
    • Contact sports athletes (e.g., rugby, judo, wrestling)
    • Food handlers
  4. Characteristics of PVL Lesions:
    • Typically larger than 5 cm in diameter
    • Often necrotic and more painful than usual abscesses

Flucloxacillin Limitation

Preferred Antibiotic Treatment

Dosage Guidelines

Severe Infections


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